Charges apply to the volume of waste cleared in cubic yards
One cubic yard is 3ft x 3ft x 3ft
A half load is equivalent space to an average builder’s skip
Some items due to the manner of disposal, have additional charge, for example fridges or freezers
You can email or text a picture of your waste to be cleared and we can provide a free estimate
Free site estimates can also be arranged
All payments can be made by cash or online bank transfer
Full load labour charges
A full load includes 120 minutes labour which is 60 minutes per man. A half load includes 60 minutes of labour which is 30 minutes per man and so on
For most collections, our labour inclusive allowance is ample. Where this is not the case, a labour supplement is charged, but will be made very clear before we start
Labour allowance labour costs £20 per extra 30 mins, if needed (If additional labour time is needed, this will be made very clear before we start)
Full Load - £260
3/4 Load - £220
1/2 Load - £160
1/4 Load - £100
Price list
Heavy materials
1 tonne of hardcore
1 tonne of soil
Additional labour (per 1/2 hour)
Domestic fridges and freezers
Small TVs
Large TVs (Over 28")
Car tyres
Plaster board small amount
Plaster board large amount
Call Phoenix Waste Clearance on
07972 569 665 for cost-effective waste clearance in Gillingham, Kent.
Thank you for contacting us. We will get back to you as soon as possible